


How to Heal Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Fear

Ram Giri is a fascinating person who has many interesting videos on YouTube. This particular video examines fear and stress and how we react to it.

Let Go of Attachment

Meet Your Angels

This is a powerful guided meditation to help you connect with your angels.

You Are Loved

Often when we have this illness, we feel unappreciated and not loved.  We even feel that God is out to get us with all of the negative feelings that come with that.  It is so important to get an understanding of the love that is given to us and to know that we are important.  This video is a great way of getting back in touch with those feelings.

The Ten Signs of Spiritual Awakening

While I found this video interesting, I don't know if it is a complete list of signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening.  I'm sure there is much more than just ten symptoms.  Either way it was an interesting video.


This video dives into the concept of awakening and what that can mean for you.  It seems as if our planet is going through a shift in thought and consciousness and that shift is called the awakening.  I will have many more videos that addresses this subject.   Feel free to leave a comment

How Someone Describes Bipolar Disorder

Through the years I have watched and archived hundreds of videos, dealing with bipolar disorder, spiritual awakening, and videos that are spiritual in nature.  I will post these videos on this blog in hopes that they will make you think and give you a better understanding of what is happening to you.  This video is not my personal observations, but someone else who has posted on YouTube.

If any of you have a video you would like to share - please send it to me:

Bipolar Disorder - A Spiritual Awakening?

I found this video (and others from the same user) to be very interesting.  He is proposing that bipolar disorder is actually an awakening - an awakening from our egos.  He claims that a series of changes in a persons life can make a person's ego shatter and that effect can cause many of the symptoms of bipolar. I will post more videos from him in future posts.